Academics & Corporate Instruction


Lu Kondor, DM is an adjunct professor at California State University Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) has taught classes since 2006 in Advanced Technical Communications and Information Design. Dr. Lu Kondor has created course materials as well as personalized lectures.

Skills taught in Lu Kondor’s classes at CSUDH include the basics of technical communication, editing materials, writing various types of technical and training materials, teamwork, information design, and how to work with and interview subject matter experts to maximize turning information into documents that allow users to obtain knowledge quickly and efficiently.

Training & More

Lu Kondor has over 7 years of experience in corporate training for all levels of learning with an extensive educational background. Lu’s educational background includes degrees in cinematography, photography, liberal studies, and a doctorate in business management (with a specialization in information systems and technology) and is well versed in APA Guidelines. Dissertation Title: Identifying Effective Technical Communication Processes for Software Engineering Teams: A Phenomenological Study

Lu is a life-time member of  dmd.logo_

– International honor society in business for achievement in business studies.

CSUDH certificate program student reviews

As a requirement of the Advanced Technical Communication class, I wrote a proposal that I also submitted to various business people and the CEO of the Chamber of Commerce. Not only did the Chamber CEO like the proposal, she also liked my writing and offered me a job doing all the writing for the Chamber including grants, business updates, and local stories. My Technical Communication class paid for off before I even finished the certificate course!”… Adrienne Mathewson, Ridgecrest CA

“I’m so glad I had the opportunity to be a part of this program. Lu Kondor is a great instructor”…Ellen-Rachell Caldwell

“The program was great and I am still amazed at how comprehensive it was – I especially enjoyed Lu Kondor who is an incredible instructor – she has not only a wealth of knowledge about the subject but is also able to convey it effectively!” …Nanette Peters Michigan Surgical Quality Collaborative, Ann Arbor, Michigan

“If you are looking for a change in career paths and like to write or if you are already a technical writer looking to learn more about your craft, then this course would be a great start for you. The material is easy to understand, the instructor is knowledgeable and accessible. Overall it was a great learning experience!”   Francisco T., CSUDH Technical Writing Student

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