Adobe Max 2024

This year Adobe Max (October) had a variety of sessions. I personally attended the online sessions. There were plenty of AI focused sessions on Firefly with usage for video as well as still imaging. My favorite session on new skills happened to be Designing a Book Cover: Inspiration and Design Tricks with Faride Mereb. I think this was partly because of my interest in creating book covers but also the incredibly easy way InDesign can be used to create covers.

I also found 40 Years of Art and Design: Graffiti, Hip-Hop, and Fine Art with Cey Adams, founding creative director at Def Jam Recordings, an awesome walk down history. His amazing album covers and logos were innovative with a timeless style.

Use of a tool, for me an excellent session, goes to Mastering Low-Light Photography from Capture to Edit with Jarrad Seng along with Quick Hack: Animate Illustrations for Quick Content Creation with Adrianne Walujo. Both were great for tips and tricks as well as motivation.

There were also plenty of sessions that were motivational. My favorite session was surprising. It was called Unseen to Unforgettable; The Power of Personal Branding with Kristy Campbell, founder of Pink Pony Creative, is a New Zealand-based Brand Identity and Graphic Designer. This was a session I didn’t know I needed. Not for branding so much as motivation. Let’s face it, things can be hard in the business world no matter what you do. I think her best quote was “Conquer your mindset, embrace risk and bold moves, showing that courage and resilience we share in our journeys units us all.” That rings true for me in not matter what I do.

Check out 2024 Adobe Max

Project Managers Aren’t the Only People Who Define Scope

The Importance of Scope on a Documentation Project

According to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), the scope of a project is the work to be done on that project. The scope of a project is generally defined using a work breakdown structure (WBS) allowing the user to set goals, objectives, priorities, and deadlines making a project manageable. Knowing the exact scope provides the ability to create detailed cost estimation.

Defining the scope of a project so that all aspects of the project are determined and tracked to completion is not only important to make sure the project is on time and on budget, but also that all changes are properly managed. Change management can make or break a project as it can affect costs, schedule, and the deliverable itself. This may sound like a lot of work, but on large projects with extensive resources, tracking a project makes all the difference in how successful the result is.

What does this have to do with technical writing? All documentation projects need project scope clearly defined. A clear and detailed definition of the deliverable, especially larger projects such as extensive manuals, websites, and long-term documentation changes can help eliminate project overages and decrease project failure risk. What does that mean?

Scope creep and Project Completion Risk – Even Small Projects Can Suffer

If a documentation project, especially a larger one, isn’t clearly defined and tracked, it can lead to scope creep. According to the PMBOK, scope creep means adding features/functionality (to the project scope) without addressing the effects on time, costs, and resources. Scope creep can lead to project failure. If expectations for the project owner and all stakeholders are clearly agreed upon, stakeholders will know what they are getting upon project completion, which means it is easier to keep a project on time and within budget.

What should a technical writer watch out for? Lack of planning. Problematic project definitions such as incomplete requirements, lack of communication between stakeholders, lack of resources, failure to reach project milestones, schedule issues, lack of change management, quality control issues, indecision regarding the deliverables, and unrealistic expectations increase project completion risk.  

Defining project scope is important on any scale documentation project because it provides a clearly defined baseline plan of project objectives, schedule targets, and budget estimates negotiated at the start of a project. Preventing scope creep on documentation projects, or preventing your projects from going over budget and overtime without controls, helps you achieve your goals of completing the project as agreed. Once a documentation project scope is determined, get sign-off on the written scope statement from the primary stakeholders. Follow up by staying on top of changes, schedule, budget, and resources.

Additional Reading

Project Management Institute: Top five causes of scope creep … and what to do about them –


Larson, R. & Larson, E. (2009). Top five causes of scope creep … and what to do about them. Paper presented at PMI® Global Congress 2009—North America, Orlando, FL. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute.

Lu Kondor has worked as a technical writer for more than 20 years at major corporations. She has a Doctorate in Business Management and has created a large variety of documents, videos, and copy for organizations in entertainment, software, public utilities, manufacturing, oil and gas, chemical, B2B, consumer-based products, and the nuclear process industries. She is an adjunct lecturer in Advanced Technical Writing as well as Information Design for more than 17 years.

UC Riverside Writer’s Week 2023

This week Week of Jan 13, 2023) is the UC Riverside Writer’s Week 2023. It’s a free writer’s festival with a lot of wonderful authors including Vanessa Hua, Courtney Cook, David Tromblay, Tom Lutz, Jan Beatty, and more! What’s wonderful is that it’s free as well and you can either attend virtually or in person. I’ll be there both virtually and otherwise. Tip: Online is hosted via Crowdcast.

For more information go to UCR’s website and register.

Fantastic Time at the SCBWI LA Working Writer’s Retreat

This year I attended the LA Working Writer’s Retreat in September generously run by SCBWI. Lots of one-on-one work and I found some great new friends. I highly recommend this retreat if you have something written and want feedback or just general improvement in your writing in either picture book, middle grade, or young adult.  This year Stephanie Guerdan (Knight Literary Agency), Nephele Tempest (Assistant Editor at Harper Collins) and Victoria Wells Arms (Wells Arms Literary) provided incredible input and dicussion. Thanks for all the crits and warm feedback. Slots fill up very quickly so if you plan on attending next year, be ready to apply. If your not a member of SCBWI, join!

You can review more at the SCBWI page.

Try Technical Writing by Taking the Advanced Tech writing Course at CSUDH

IMG_0720 Do you like to write and would love to do it for a living? Try technical writing. No need to be a ‘techie’ or scientific guru. With practice, you can find out how technical writing is a great tool in a writers tool box.

Students who want to take the Advanced Technical Communication course so they can get right to creating portfolio pieces (before they take the Introduction course) are welcome to do that. The class is immersive. I teach the Advanced course and we focus on creating a portfolio of pieces (which is normally requested by potential clients and employers) and are a great way to learn how to write even if you want writing as your secret weapon in your job. We write a lot.

Some of the things I cover in the advanced class include presentations, reports, proposals, and step-by-step instructions. Check out my FAQ page for answers to the most asked questions I get in the course. The class is totally online and you will come away with several portfolio pieces. I’ve had students get jobs before they finish the program.

For more detailed info, check out California State University Dominguez Hills’ web site at: